
The Integrated Internet Marketing Model

For Internet Marketing, 4 components, One very important task

Why the emphasis on internet marketing? Everyone accepts that almost all consumers start their home search online and I hope, by now, most people understand their websites need to be more than just static brochures. The problem is that brokerages are overwhelmed with all the moving pieces required for a comprehensive internet marketing strategy:

  • SEO
  • Click through rates
  • Social media
  • Internet lead management
  • Bounce rates
  • Post close marketing
  • Registration
  • Blogging

What ends up happening is that too many look at all these as separate tasks when, in fact, it is one very important task that I call the “integrated internet marketing model”. This model has four distinct components that are all inter-related and should be viewed as one.


Driving internet traffic to your website

Since 90% of consumers begin their home search online, we must have an effective way to drive consumers to your site. As a result, everything you do has to be delivering the same message, the same branding and it all must be optimized so that you drive as much traffic to your site as possible.


Engaging internet traffic on your website

In today’s environment, like it or not, the consumer controls the information and can get it anywhere. Therefore, if you are not giving them what they want, how they want it, they will just go get it somewhere. Keep in mind that no matter how great a job you might do driving traffic, if your website is just a brochure and does not engage the consumer, by giving them the information they want in an entertaining and engaging way, you will be wasting whatever dollars and effort you spent to get them there in the first place.


Responding to internet traffic from your website

Responding to internet traffic from your website

Did you know that, according to NAR, 48% of agents do not respond to internet inquiries and the balance do so a day or two later? That’s just not going to work because consumers expect an immediate response to their inquiry otherwise they are off to the next site or to the person that responds to them first. You could do a great job driving and engaging traffic, but if you don’t have a plan to respond to that traffic the way the consumer expects, again, all those dollars and efforts will be wasted.


Why stop engaging someone online after they buy the house? Do you think that the internet consumer is going to get excited about refrigerator magnets, calendars, and holiday recipes? 90% of consumers say they would use the same agent again yet only 11% actually do. Those brokerages that can figure out how to continue providing consistently relevant information to consumers even after they close will have a huge advantage in a few years when that consumer is in the market again.

As you can see, it’s not just about doing an excellent job all four of these areas, it’s understanding how all four are completely inter-connected and need to be strategized as one. Not doing so jeopardizes the ROI on your online investments.

This article reprinted with permission from PCMS Consulting. The original can be found here.