
Internet Marketing for Real Estate

Real estate internet marketing strategies to increase your competitive advantage.

Your real estate internet marketing plays an important role in your business strategy. Today’s fast-paced internet and real estate website environment requires detailed planning for sales and marketing, but these plans can be daunting to create and maintain. The right real estate consulting services offer your brokerage the strategic planning and technology tools to boost efficiency and increase sales.

Online marketing for the industry remains in its infancy, with most brokerages still accepting a static brochure for a website.  Your competition rarely connects the dots between SEO, social media, syndication, web platforms, rapid response, lead management and CRM.  However, a successful business strategy includes all these components, which should be based on internet and real estate best practices.

The Internet and Real Estate

Driving real estate internet traffic to your website is essential to building a successful brand online.

Why spend money on a great website if you don’t have a plan to get your message out to prospects? A comprehensive real estate internet strategy includes SEO and social media to build brand awareness and increase consumer engagement.

Your real estate internet marketing strategy must include search engine optimization. With 90% of customers beginning their home search on the internet, there is significant opportunity for your business online.  This makes your optimized website a valuable business tool. Well-executed search marketing using internet and real estate best practices will benefit your website.  You’ll see increased website traffic and search visibility.

Real estate and internet lead management is critical for your business.

Similarly, why spend money to increase website traffic if you don’t have a lead management system? Lead generation is a large investment, and your response time is critical. According to NAR, 48% of agents do not respond to real estate internet inquiries.  The remaining agents take up to two days to respond!

Prospects expect an immediate response to their inquiry, otherwise they are off to the next website. Studies show that consumers overwhelmingly use the agent who responds first. Utilizing a lead response and conversion system gives potential customers value and support they won’t find elsewhere—so you don’t lose leads due to poor service.

Brand Loyalty Marketing helps you stay in touch after the sale.

Because your clients will likely buy or sell again, repeat business is an important component of your marketing strategy.  Implementing the right real estate internet applications helps increase your repeat business.  While 90% of consumers say they would use the same agent, only 11% of consumers actually do. This is because most businesses stop investing in the online relationship after they close sale.  You need the right platform that delivers leads straight to your agents, while encouraging referrals and reinforcing your branding.

Integrated real estate internet solutions will increase your business and efficiency.

Leading companies understand that the components of their real estate internet marketing cannot be viewed separately; they must complement each other as part of one broad strategy. As online consumer expectations continue to evolve, creating a brand online for your business will increase your market share by attracting new clients and leveraging repeat business.

Are you using any real estate internet tools or strategies in your current business operations? If so, how are they performing for your business?  Does your marketing and management teams understand how to integrate real estate and internet together to make you successful?

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This article reprinted with permission from PCMS Consulting. The original can be found here.